Category Archives: Uncategorized

mushroom hunting

screenprint I did in latvia, 2012. Unfortunately sold old

mushroom hunting

screenprint I did in latvia, 2012. Unfortunately sold old

with compliments – minka

little thank you slip for my dear Etsy customers

with compliments – minka

little thank you slip for my dear Etsy customers

northern lights

this is the extent of the northern lights I saw in lapland.

northern lights

this is the extent of the northern lights I saw in lapland.

Tip Top Zine detail

Riso pinted Tip top zine A wild tale of wolves, societies, mountain tops and serenity, ‘Tip Top’ is an original Minka risograph printed zine. It consists of 24 illustrate pages using purple and green ink. Part of an edition of

Tip Top Zine detail

Riso pinted Tip top zine A wild tale of wolves, societies, mountain tops and serenity, ‘Tip Top’ is an original Minka risograph printed zine. It consists of 24 illustrate pages using purple and green ink. Part of an edition of